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Writer's picture: ServiamServiam

Complete trust in God. That's what holy humility is. Complete obedience to God, without protest, without reaction, even when some things seem difficult and unreasonable.

Elder Porphyrios

Abandonment to the hands of God. The words we repeat during the Divine Liturgy say it all: 'Let us commend ourselves, and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God." The secret prayer of the priest says the same thing: 'We commend our whole life and hope to You, O loving Master, and we entreat You and beseech You and supplicate You...' To You, O Lord, we leave everything. That is what trust in God is. This is holy humility. This is what transfigures a person and makes him a 'God-man'.

The humble person is conscious of his inner state and, however unsightly it is, he does not lose his personality. He knows he is sinful and is grieved by the fact, but he does not despair and does not annihilate himself. The person who possesses holy humility does not speak at all, that is, he doesn't react. He accepts to be criticized and rebuked by others, without getting angry and defending himself. He does not lose his equilibrium. The opposite happens with the egoist, the person who has a sense of inferiority.

The humble person believes that all things depend on Christ and that Christ gives His grace and in that way he makes progress.

The person who possesses holy humility lives even now in the earthly uncreated Church. He always has the joy of Christ, even in the most displeasing circumstances. We see this in the lives of the saints. What was Saint Paul? He was a man like us. But what happened? He became and instrument of God, a chosen vessel. His words bear witness to this: 'It is no longer I who live, Christ lives in me... for me to live is Christ and to die is gain'. He was consumed by burning love for Christ. His humility raised him up to that state.

To burn for God - that is everything!

It is a priceless thing to be led by God and to have no will of your own. The slave has no will of his own. He does his master's will. The faithful servant of God does the same. Become His slave, and in God you will find freedom. This is true freedom - to burn for God. This is everything. Everything!

Glory to Thee our God.

+ Glory to Thee for All Things! +

Is a Greek monk and priest who departed this life in 1991. He stands in the long tradition of holy monastic fathers, we remained faithful to the Patristic traditions and teachings of the Orthodox Church. "The words of blessed Elder Porphyrios are the words of a holy Father, of a man with the gift of clear sight, who was ever retiring, humble, simple, and ardent and whose life was a true and authentic witness to Christ, to His trught and His joy.'

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1 Comment

Feb 03, 2023

Glory forever! Very powerful...

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